
A lot of people do not know that there are actually well functioning rules and regulations by law for the forestry in many African countries. These are enforced by local authorities and also by a independent Swiss controlling company “SGS” who follows up on the origin of the wood. Without approval/stamping of the export documents, the goods cannot be exported.
Every tree gets a number and is protocolled and can hereby be traced back to its origin.
Maps are made for forestry areas and often for 20 years into the future for a better planning of the selective forestry.

We do our outmost to be correct towards our costumer, suppliers, cooperation partners and not least the environment.

Several “green” organizations sell “certificates”. The way of forestry to be followed in certificates are close to the ones already being used.

Timberlink Wood & Forest Products GmbH is certified according to the standards of Forest Stewardship Council®. Our FSC®-license-code is: FSC® C106855 and our COC-Number TSUD-COC-001718-TF.

FSC Logo
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